Oct 1, 2023
Description of the previous Special/Ordinary session from 2018 to 2020, Unofficial
Description of the previous Special/Ordinary session from 2018 to 2020, Unofficial
The regular OLA Branch organization was established according to the settlement of the neighboring country and the OLA was clearly in the regular mission of Oromia. The number of OLAs who were openly performing regular duties in Oromia are many/more. After the brutal regime known for human rights violations, looting of private and national property and acts of sabotage conducted on the criminal TPLF and its so-called (regional governors) were destroyed by the struggle of the Oromo people and the OLA fighters came from a neighboring country legally entered the country and settled in Arsi Zone of the Oromia Regional State, at Ardaita Camp, which is 390km Southeast of Finfinne;
OLA entered the country from Eritrea and settled in Ardaita camp. As soon as the OLF openly entered the country, in less than two months, the conditions of injustice began to manifest themselves. In the third month, a defamation /PROPGANDA campaign was launched informally on social media, by informal structures AND PARTIES allied to the self-proclaimed “Change” administration to create suspicion and destructive sabotage by grouping one to condemn and portray the accused as a traitor. Until the beginning of this incident, a defamation mission was begun on the OLA officers in the field and in the Ardaita Camp. There was nothing explicit from the OLA branch, on this matter.
The OLA leadership in the camp decided to meet the leaders of the Executive Committee of the Oromo Liberation Front (OLF) and sent a message through the relevant authorities traveled to the Camp. The OLF Leadership immediately, the message delivered to them; OLF Leaders Mission including: Jaal Abdii Raggaasaa, Jaal Yaddii Abdushukur and others travelled to Ardaita Camp to discuss with the OLA at Ardaita Camp. While the OLA leaders and officers were preparing to create a forum for military talks, the illegal, immoral and terrorist group created its normal job (the transitional group of the TPLF) and sabotaged the OLF leadership delegation not to meet and negotiate with the OLA.
The OLA fighters in the camp and in the field were intimidated by the acts of sabotage mission of propaganda, stating that OLA is not fighting for the freedom of the Oromo people but the army is carrying out the mission of somebody else and Illegal violence tactics of distrust and the like.
The member of the WBO officers identified the hostile situations and its hidden goals and made these matters its main duty and took action as soon as the situation suited him and implemented a series of measures. They also agreed on the results of the analysis of the situation and the tactical possibility of countering any coming situation and further strengthening the program of friendship between them and 'not listening to the propaganda of this sabotaging group'
The officials went to the OLI organization to identify the persons behind the sabotage mission and the existing entities /to get more information. And it has decided to get an encoded information in an indirect way.
It was identified that the intentions and objectives of the TPLF Transition Group are to ensure that the Ethiopian ruling party has completed a comprehensive plan for the organized crime program on the OLA in the camps and the battlefield.
It was identified that the program was generally aimed at dismantling /disbanding the OLF, capturing the OLA in the camp and disarming the OLA in the field;
To ensure this, the sabotaging party called various civil society /Oromo people for declaring war campaign and borrowed coordinated, …. and organized mercenary army.
They have organized and made ready for the assassination mission acts of senior OLA officers at the branch level, middle officers, groups to commit terrorism, criminal acts, military forces committing acts of racial violence against civilians, sabotage of OLA forces posing as ordinary, intelligence forces, who investigated the situation, searched internal secrets, forces reached/discovered the identities of the military officers who planned and coordinated the intelligence ... and committed the act of mobilizing FDRE towards the Oromia Regional State. The said Ruling Group has imported those evil forces from abroad and settled them in every geographical area in Oromia where they thought they find the Strategic Officers and OLA Commanders.
These are bodies to commit terrorism and violate the Civil Rights, with a mission of Security and Intelligence, those who cut off the urban OLA logistics structure, forces who act and openly kills OLA structures in the city, as well as this TPLF Mafia Team has mobilized forces which seems OLA, and designed to ensure carrying out LOOTING and RAPPING GIRLS. The ordinary / Similar sabotage mission of the WBO is a conspiracy to destroy the overall aim of the WBO, the traditions and morals of the Oromo people and to mask the WBO's trust and acceptable and recognized by the international community and the terrorist act was planned and organized by this evil group to disrupt the loyalty and hope between the WBO and the people and to condemn the cause and intention for which OLA settled in the people.
Special duty officers who coordinate the Informal special duty operations planning program
Organized crime and terrorism activities aimed at preventing the general assassination of OLA officers, sabotage, defamation, proof of violence, denial of WBO intentions and objectives, prevent, hunt, weaken and defend, established a special task force to provide necessary support and until the under pressure of this counter-strategic plan is reduced, the list of names of OLA Officers held by the enemy confirmed to us by OLI that, temporarily the limits of the prohibition laws/within their safety assurance/ determined to work under a secured and controlled area;
The OLA's unclear organization of this group is a matter of the existence of OLA officers, a matter of sacrificial trust, a matter of justice pointing to the principle of Oromoness. This special period of regular duty was organized and carried out under difficult and complex circumstances;
The movement of the formal OLA-like internal groups, WBO-like bases, and/or general intelligence, intended to minimize OLA from a worrying level of pressure, by the special regular mission of hunting, countering, dispersing and controlling OLA continued until 6th month of 2021.
Although not completely, the level of fear for security of the OLA officers has been reduced. It was also confirmed that the OLA-like structure and its cells were resisted and controlled in the localities of Oromia.
Acts of Terrorism by the so-called Revolutionary Groups (founded by the TPLF) and their outside coordinators /collaborators.
Towards the end of 2021, the work of organizing the communications officers, who were prohibited by the law, began to be organized into the policy guidelines of the OLA. At the Zone level, the Group Command and the Brigade Command, as well as Butta interlinked, approved and continued their operations. In the early 2022, the progress made so far was confirmed by the Commanders at low level, in various parts of the Zone; and structuring OLAs with special regular duties organized and approved.
In mid-2022, the OLA was performing two Duties simultaneously. The remaining forces organized by the mafia group and their cells at the zone level were completely destroyed and disabled; and the structural organization of the OLA in these Zones and the nomination of responsible persons was conducted until the end of 2022, and approved.
In early 2023, the special regular duty of structural organization at the Zone level was coordinated and senior officers of the OLA branch who were within the curfew area contacted the Zonal organization to explain the general situation and assure /keep aware of the survival of ordinary OLA members and this program is named: Ensuring the Unity (Centralization/WAALTESSUU) of the Oromo Liberation Army.
Alongside the coordination, the senior officers of the OLA branch scheduled and implemented discussions on issues related to the continuity of the OLA such as its explicit reporting/responsibility for its work involving officials at various levels of administration, central and officer/directive command.
Outcome of this discussion according to responsibilities, calling for solutions, determining the Powers and Roles of the Organization, established an organization or structure, with an explicit name `Organization` with CIVIL AND MILITARY AFFAIRS mission determined;
The movement PERFORMED planning, coordination and the like by implementing the special routine duties of organization, operation and strength of the general policy on awareness of the prohibition of law enforcement agencies for a period of three months until JULY.
1. The reflection of the traditions, morals and traditions of the General Organization of the Oromo Liberation Army/Officially and the Command/Leadership and Organization of the General Organization of the Oromo Liberation Army O.L.A) Officially.
The General Organization of the Oromo Liberation Army /Officially. The Oromo people are large in number; and have settled in various places and the demand of the Oromo is the demand for the restoration of their Prime Right to Sovereignty. There are also those who are organizing themselves in different directions or in the way that suits them to organize and fight. There are struggle camps of NGOs based on various classes, political parties, special ordinary organizations working on humanitarian and aid issues and agencies, services, associations and revolutions. The OLA force is one of these entities. Although the structure, settlement and mission of those institutions and organizations are not similar; but, they share same General Policy /Prohibition Laws and National Projects to ensure their Goal. They are also moving to realize the common guideline of “One People, One Country, One Destiny and One Goal under the Red Green Red Flag”.
The Command/Leadership of the General Organization of the Oromo Liberation Army Offically - The reporting of the OLA/General Organization of the OLA - is a body/group of the Fighters of the Freedom Struggle found in the camp of the Freedom Fighters. We also believe in working with the coordinating bodies of the struggle camp, the OLA organization as a whole has no obligation /right to decide the affairs of the Oromo people and Oromia as well as the future of the fighters; believes that it is not a stakeholder and an decision maker in matters of political decision and general policy; we also believe that the Limits of Authority the OLA General Organization is the overall authority on the military and civilian affairs of the OLA forces to which it reports and for the general operation; being a part of the struggle, has the right to forward resolutions and believes in having national duty of the Oromia Region /the struggle camp on general issues.
Command/Leadership of the General Organization of the Oromo Liberation Army - In the Freedom Fighters Camp, shall directly and indirectly decrees issued from the special prohibition/regular Laws are known to be legal sources of law.
The top leaders of the OLA Organization/OLA Committee ensures the freedom, revolution, politics and organization of the camp as well as the organization of the special ordinary structures for general sustainable security and secrecy of prohibitions made outside public level work and have a duty to affirm and acknowledges supremacy of the flag;
The OLA General Organization believes that, besides having a clear general policy, there are special ordinances on collective issues directly or indirectly as required by oral or written declarations from the legitimate bodies of the struggle camp.
The Command/Leadership of the General Organization of the OLA should freely negotiate and coordinate and ensure the overall structure and functioning of the boundaries of the laws, prohibitions and general policies in the Symbol of the Independence Camp.
We believe that the direct and indirect messages of the organization on the overall issue are being carried out to ensure the Cause of the Oromo Freedom, and for overall lasting security of the Symbol of the Independence Camp.
From the General Organization of the Oromo Liberation Army:
Shall declare the legal high level politicians of the Hope of Independence Camp, as well directly and indirectly disclose prohibitions of the laws of the General Organization of the Oromo Liberation Army.
From the General OLA Organization to whom it may concern and Coordinating Committees of the Hope for Independence Camp
The General OLA Organizational Command/Leadership is subject to the command of the structure of bodies of the decree below.
1. Declaration of the Judge: a collective indirect declaration is a verbal direction to the relevant parties.
2. The Declaration of National Board of Oromia: The general revolutionary board committee is given directly and indirectly on matters of coordinating bodies with similar missions.
3. Declaration of Responsibility: these are verbal messages made for intervention. As well, these are messages sent through letters and pre-approved means of communication. And are issues interconnected with sustainable security and common policy.
4. Declaration of Political Parties of the Struggle Camp: these are directions forwarded to the fighters through the Media.
HIGH LEVEL LEADERSHIP of the General Organization of OLA