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Powers and Roles - OLASC - Explicitly /Officially

Oct 1, 2023

Powers and Roles - OLASC - Explicitly /Officially

Powers and Roles - OLASC - Explicitly /Officially

Powers General Roles: Planning civil and military affairs by allowing general procedures for planning and strategic/policy objectives of the OLA, approving/determining the organizational structures that coordinate and operate civilian activities having similarities.

Determine the international and FDRE friendly relations with the OLA forces, point out the necessary directions for the civilian and military positions of the senior, middle and administrative positions and decide as well as approve the candidates for their positions.

Determine the organizational structure of the work and human resources of the settlement, issue letters of recognition to the bodies working on behalf of the organization, issue changes of grade and position, determine the responsibilities of the scope of work of the OLA; release statement of position and reprimanding.

                 Ejeensii Burqaa Oduu Jaarmiyaa Waraana Bilisummaa Oromoo Waliigalaa(EBO-JWBOW)
                                  General Organazation of the  Oromoo Liberation Army  (GOOLA)
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