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Mission and Vision of the Oromo Liberation Army Supreme Command (OLASC) Officially

Oct 1, 2023

Mission and Vision of the Oromo Liberation Army Supreme Command (OLASC) Officially

Mission and Vision of the Oromo Liberation Army Organization (OLA) Officially

1. Overall OLA Organizational Vision

     To see the formal functions and structures clearly proven

2. Mission - OLA Organization in general - explicitly /Official Mission

      Officially establish and ensure the internal and external structures, functions and responsibilities of the organization at the high, middle and primary levels.

      Commander of the OLA and Commander of the OLA Special Forces (Jajjabee) explicitly confirm the ordinary Zonal Commanders.

      At the organizational level, ensure the positions of Legal Affairs Advisor and Lawyer for Foreign, Commitment, International, Internal FDRE, National Administration, Political Expert, Diplomatic Expert and advisors working on the rights of various entities; Coordinator of civil procedures approval, Electronic media website Internet, social media, approve digital photo-audio TV methods.

      Ensures the relevant authorities continuously organize a 24-hour session to convey formal and informal ideas to the OLA organization at the highest level

      Lead and coordinate civilian coordination with relevant bodies and international and domestic commitment bodies to coordinate and implement the security of donating human rights organizations and journalists; ensure that prisoners of war (soldiers and civil spies) of Ethiopian administration are treated as civilian missions (formal and informal)

      The position coordinates and executes messages sent informally from stakeholders and the community to the coordination bodies at the organizational and central levels.

      Ensure the structure of the general spokesperson at the Senior, Middle and Primary Levels.

      Ensure coordination between the (civil) organizations and NGOs, who are reporting for the struggle camp.

                 Ejeensii Burqaa Oduu Jaarmiyaa Waraana Bilisummaa Oromoo Waliigalaa(EBO-JWBOW)
                                  General Organazation of the  Oromoo Liberation Army  (GOOLA)
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