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Formal Structural Organization - OLASC- Officially

Oct 1, 2023

Formal Structural Organization - - Officially

Formal Structural Organization - OLASC- Officially

1. Senior Management Level

Senior Command/Leadership: Coordinate and direct the structure of the OLA and its civilian, military and components in the OLF camp as a whole and point the direction to the Middle Leadership Level Responsible/leaders.

2. Middle management level

Civil Experts and Military Officers Responsible/Managing (Executive and Coordinating) Directorates, Divisions and Brigades at the Branch Level of the Organization


3. Direct management level

Coordinators and Heads of various positions in foreign offices, under zonal military commanders;

4. Geographical organization patterns

      General Organizational Center /office of the Secretary and the leader of the OLA Organization in the country

      Military branch of operations conducted under the OLA Commander

      Foreign office for civil and military affairs

5. Contact Order

      General Organization of the Oromo Liberation Army at the Independence Camp of Hope

      Office of the Secretary of the OLA General Organization.

      Senior Leadership in the Office of the Secretary of the OLA Organization as a whole.

      Middle Level Management at Senior Level

      Direct administrative leadership at the middle level.

                 Ejeensii Burqaa Oduu Jaarmiyaa Waraana Bilisummaa Oromoo Waliigalaa(EBO-JWBOW)
                                  General Organazation of the  Oromoo Liberation Army  (GOOLA)
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