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General description for classification of ordinary members - explicitly former OLA Branch

Oct 1, 2023

General description for classification of ordinary members - explicitly former OLA Branch

General description for classification of ordinary members - explicitly former OLA Branch.

General Description; Abducted by the self-proclaimed “FDRE Administration”, openly martyred in the city (killed by this group), hidden in detention centers, tortured in various prisons with long sentences without justice, under the guise of reconciliation /sabotage by the coordination of internal and external elements of this group committed in the field, arrested, martyred [ killed by this group ], abducted by the enemy internally and externally whose whereabouts are unknown, while entering the county to join family and disappeared as well as martyred and members of this group/WBO who were arrested and physically disabled, martyred as well as those who were killed on direct duty while performing duties in the special/ordinary OLA, again, OLA members who are civilians at home and abroad for various unknown reasons and the General Organization of the OLA Organization; these all are performing duties at the Senior, Middle and Directional Administration levels.

                 Ejeensii Burqaa Oduu Jaarmiyaa Waraana Bilisummaa Oromoo Waliigalaa(EBO-JWBOW)
                                  General Organazation of the  Oromoo Liberation Army  (GOOLA)
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