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General Description of Formal Structural Organization of Former OLA Branch

Oct 1, 2023

General Description of Formal Structural Organization of Former OLA Branch

General Description of Formal Structural Organization of Former OLA Branch

Structural Organization of the ordinary functions and responsibilities of OLA, formerly under the OLA Structure and Command at the Branch, Brigade and Zonal levels


Since the establishment of the Oromo Libration Front, OLA Oromo Liberation Army (OLA Interest Branch) was one of its Wings, through which its Interest was realized as of 1978.

The Oromo Liberation Army (OLA) was structured under the OLF Military Affairs Department to counter the issue of armed struggle against oppression by force. The Military Interest Branches of the OLF includes working Branches and Wings. The Interest Branches of the Oromo Liberation Front (OLF) Military Affairs Department shall be responsible and reports to the Executive Committee of the OLF. The OLF Military Interests Branch is commanded by the Branch Head and Commander of the OLF. The OLF Military Interests Branch is structured under Sections to conduct Military Affairs.


Those who were under the structure and command of the OLA at the Branch, Brigade and Zonal levels

They are:

Organizational Structure

      Military Training Branch, Political Education and Formal Education

      Military and Supply Management Brigade

      Research, Military and Security Corps Branch

      Military Deployment and Communications Branch


The Head of the OLF Military Interests Branch and the OLA Commander will be responsible to the OLF Secretary General. And, the OLF Secretary General is the Commander in Chief of the Oromo Liberation Army.

Some of the names of the WBO Commanders at the Branch level.

 Jaal Dhugaasaa Bakakkoo – Head of the OLF Military Interests Branch and Commander of the OLA until 2001

  Jaal Abdii Raggaasaa – Head of the OLF Military Interests Branch and Commander of the OLA from 2001 until 2018

Some of the names of the Branch, Division and Commanders

      Jaal Bobbaasaa Gadaa

      Jaal Aneessoo Waaree

      Jaal Xahaa Abdallaa

      Jaal Colonel Irreessaa Caalaa

      Jaal Caalaa Leencoo

      Jaal Laggasaa Wagii

      Jaal Lammeessaa Taasisaa

      Jaal Kabadaa Gaaddisaa

      Jaal Xayib Abbaa Goojjam

      Jaal Gaayyoolee Galgaloo

      Jaal Aliim Gooroo

      Jaal Mallicha Lojee

      Jaal/Colonel Tasfaayee Dheeressaa

      Jaal/Colonel Gammachuu Ayyaanaa

      Jaal Kennasaa Ayyaanaa

      Jaal Roobaa


Some of the names of Zonal Commanders.

      Jaal Goollicha Dheengee

      Jaal Gammachuu Abbooyyee

      Jaal Galgaloo Dhirrii

      Jaal Amaan Filee

      Abdataa Baasiree

      Jaal Laggasaa Wagii

      Jaal Lammeessaa Taasisaa

      Jaal Raggaasaa

      Jaal Asfaaw Abdiisaa

      Jaal Dachaas Roobaa

      Jaal Daraaraa Lammii

                 Ejeensii Burqaa Oduu Jaarmiyaa Waraana Bilisummaa Oromoo Waliigalaa(EBO-JWBOW)
                                  General Organazation of the  Oromoo Liberation Army  (GOOLA)
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