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The Official Policy of the Oromo Liberation Army Supreme Command


Oct 1, 2023

The Official Policy of the Oromo Liberation Army Supreme Command

1.      Statement of the form of the Oromo Liberation Army Supreme Command

2.       Statement of the reason for the establishment of JWBOW / OLASC - Officially

3.      General Statement - Oromo Libreation Army Supreme Command in Internet and Social Media address

[Electronic Media] - Officially

4.      Mission and Vision of the Oromo Liberation Army Organization OLA – Officially

5.      General Job Description - JWBOW / OLASC /Officially

6.      Organizational Description: The General structure, ordinary functions and responsibilities and description of the Oromo Liberation Army (OLA)

7.      Formal Structural Organization - JWBOW / OLASC /Officially

8.       Organization of Formal Activities - JWBOW / OLASC/Officially

9.      Powers and Roles - JWBOW / OLASC - Explicitly /Officially

10.  General Description of Organization of the Ordinary Structure of the Former OLA  Branch

11.  General Description / Explicitly Classification of Ordinary Members of Former OLA Branch.

12.  Organizational Description: The structure of the duties and responsibilities of the former ordinary OLA under the structure and command of the OLA at the Branch, Brigade and Zone Levels Clearly /Officially

13.  Description of the previous Special Ordinary session from 2018 to 2020, Unofficial

14.  A statement of ethics, customs and discipline of the Independence Flag Camp - Reflecting the overall O.L.A organization and the overall OLA Organizational Command/Leadership

15.  Controller of General Procedures and Assistant Secretary from the General Organization of OLA

16.  Definition of the use of organizational terms of explicit structure and editing of the OLA's overall organizational policy

                 Ejeensii Burqaa Oduu Jaarmiyaa Waraana Bilisummaa Oromoo Waliigalaa(EBO-JWBOW)
                                  General Organazation of the  Oromoo Liberation Army  (GOOLA)
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